By Adedeji Samuel

In the quest to assume political leadership for an unprecedented turnaround in every sphere of the society, there are uncompromising attributes that must be visible in he who bears the aspiration. Besides all essential requirements that are sine qua non of successful leadership, readiness is a vital psychological credential for successful governance. Needless of any thorough observations, anyone who has come in contact with retired Brigadier General Olamide Ohunyeye, PhD either physically or through the media, in the last few weeks, will be astounded by his display of confidence and readiness for the onerous task of governing Ondo State in this period of socioeconomic challenges. It is written all over him!

An ancient Roman philosopher, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, while making an attempt to explain his understanding of “luck” as a human idea, argued that “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” As a form of variation to Seneca’s axiom, American author Zig Ziglar also laid emphasis on the importance of “preparation” to human success with the postulation that “success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.” However, in the case of governance, if one with aspiration is not ready for the task he or she covets, preparation alone might not be enough to guarantee success. Therefore, in leadership, excellence is what happens when opportunity meets readiness.

The General, since declaring his governorship aspiration, has shown to be that game changer the people of the state can not afford to miss. His grasp of the challenges facing the state, practical solutions, and most importantly, his psychological state, which beams confidence and the eagerness to bring change, are second to none. Starting with his decision to obtain his expression of interest and nomination form early, this signals his decisiveness, focus, and conviction. What else gives away a man who is ready for a task?

Speaking with newsmen after his formal declaration at the All Progressives Congress party secretariat in Akure, the Ilutitun born politician used his wealth of experience from the military and professional acumen as an expert in administrative, human and financial resource management as selling points. Apparently, these important credentials are exactly what the state needs in a governor at this critical time.

To bring accelerated development to the Sunshine State, Ohunyeye revealed that he had created a blueprint for precise interventions in critical sectors for a rebirth and renewal of the state. An auspicious move! As expected, he highlighted strengthening of security across the length and breath of the state as one of his priorities if given the mandate to lead the state. As it stands, securing the state must be top on the agenda of whoever wants to govern it after the current administration because without security, all other policies will meet a dead end. Then the question is, who is more qualified to excel in this area, if not the one who has seen it all in terms of security strategy in the military?

In this regards, here him; “We have prepared a blueprint that has come with cardinal objectives for critical areas in the state to be touched. We are going to look at security in its entirety. On security, we want to see the performance and functionality of the Amotekun Corps. There are plans to improve on the blueprints to ensure that Amotekun Corps is more potent, mobile, agile, and intelligently driven to perform within the state,” he told journalists at the party secretariat.

His vision of massive infrastructure development in the health sector, especially breathing life into the tertiary level to halt referrals out of the state, is a plausible initiative that is long overdue. This project, if it sees the light of the day, will boost the healthcare system in the state and rekindle the hope of residents in getting quality healthcare without travelling out of the state.

Dr Ohunyeye’s disposition, drawn from his recent public engagements, shows a man coming in with practical solution based approach to vital developmental factors. From education to urban renewal programmes among others, the snippets he has released from his comprehensive plan to put the state on the right pedestal are stimulants which will massively transform the economic fortune of the state if religiously implemented.

Typical of the military tradition of discipline and respect for institution, he has presented himself as a party man with deference to party supremacy right fron the onset. He was asked about the mode of primary he would prefer and intelligently responded that “Whatever the party decides, it behoves on me being a loyal member of the party that has a stickler for respect for the structure to key into this and prepare myself comprehensively towards winning the desired seat.” This is an attribute of a true democrat! This should instil confidence that he is a man who will respect the rule of law, which will enhance institutions of the state if given the mandate.

As preparations for the governorship of the All Progressive Congress approaches, it is instructive to note that Dr Ohunyeye’s preparedness for the task coupled with other political calculations which are in his favour will surely give the party victory at the November 16 poll if given the party ticket.

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