By Rahaman Yusuf

A downpour, today, destroyed properties worth millions of naira in Danjuma, Akure South local government area of Ondo state.

The Reports gathered that the rain, which started some minutes past five in the evening was preceded by a strong wind that blew off the roofs of many houses in the area.

Most residents in the area were seen packing some of their properties out of the houses after the rain to secure them as they left the damaged ones behind.

One of the residents, Matthew Oluwatobi, said the damage done by the rainstorm is beyond what they can bear.

Oluwatobi who took our correspondent round some of the destroyed properties said “a woman just roofed her house yesterday, and the roof was blown away today”.

“I cannot express how hurt we are with what has happened. None of us can sleep in these houses tonight. Most of these people you are seeing have already contacted their relatives at other places in Akure to seek shelter tonight.

“This is beyond what we can bear. We have tried to salvage some of our properties that we believe will still be useful. We only hope and pray that the state and federal governments will come to our aid very soon as we are now homeless and have nowhere to go” he added.

Two electric poles were also destroyed as one of the two fell across the road while the other was resting on the fence of one of the affected houses.

An apprentice at a mechanic workshop, who was seen receiving treatment at the primary health care facility in the area, was the only one injured as his right ear was lacerated by a piece of iron sheet blown away by the wind.

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